Friday, 12 February 2016

B11: Phylogenetic diversity

This week, we're taking a look at what phylogenetic diversity is and how it can contribute to conservation. For some reason the image this week has come out a bit bigger than usual, but that's a good thing I suppose so I've just left it like that...

Friday, 5 February 2016

B10: Businesses for Biodiversity

This week's post is another guest post, this time from Louise Burn, another former classmate of mine. Building on work Louise has been doing with Fauna & Flora International, it looks at the relationship that businesses can have with biodiversity, and is both timely and very engaging - I hope you enjoy it!

If the three wonderful guest posts we've had so far have inspired you to consider contributing something yourself, please do get in touch at - I'd love to hear from anyone involved or interested in biodiversity and conservation.